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Manuscript Evaluation
A Manuscript Evaluation provides a high-level assessment of the big picture elements of the story.


What will the author receive? 

Story level feedback and editorial suggestions on storyline and plot, character development and arcs, flow, pacing, dialogue, craft considerations, worldbuilding, genre conventions, and overall impressions will be provided in an editorial report.  One hour of follow-up (via email, phone, or video call) is also included.



What is not included?

A Manuscript Evaluation focuses on the big picture. Line level challenges including grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation will not be addressed. 



What’s the difference between a Manuscript Evaluation and a Developmental Edit?

A Manuscript Evaluation can be viewed as a “mini” developmental edit.  Like in a developmental edit, story level elements will be reviewed but the workload and time commitment for the editor is reduced.  The story will only be read once instead of three times, and there are no in-text comments in the manuscript.  The editorial report is reduced averaging 5-10 pages instead of the typical 10-20 pages of a developmental edit.  This is the “let’s get to the point” report.



What should the author do before requesting a Manuscript Evaluation? 

The author should have completed the story before a Manuscript Evaluation is requested.  At least one round of self-editing is recommended but not necessary.



Can the author obtain a free sample of the Manuscript Evaluation? 

A sample is not available with a Manuscript Evaluation.



Can the author ask specific questions to be considered during the Manuscript Evaluation? 

Yes.  A Manuscript Evaluation should be a collaborative process.  The author and editor will meet on a video call (or phone or email based on the author’s preference) before the edit begins to ensure the author’s questions and concerns are addressed.



Will the editor be brutally honest? 

Yes and no.  The editor will be honest but constructive.  There’s nothing brutal about it!  Every story has its strengths and weaknesses.  Feedback will be given on both in a kind, positive manner.



How long does a Manuscript Evaluation take? 

It depends on the length of the book.  A typical turnaround time is anywhere from two to four weeks.  A quick turnaround can be requested for an additional cost.



What format works best for a Manuscript Evaluation? 

The manuscript must be provided in MS Word.



How much will this cost?

Keeping costs affordable is critical to independent authors.  Manuscript Evaluation rates are balanced to meet the needs of the author and the business needs of Cumberland Edits.

$.01 per word



How do I get started? 

It’s easy!  Fill out the contact form and the editor will contact you to get started.


Angela completed a manuscript evaluation on my romance novel.  I was amazed by the quality of feedback I received!  It was clear that Angela put in more effort than I ever could have imagined.  I was able to use her feedback to make my manuscript better than I ever thought possible.


Ruthie B.

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