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Story Plan Evaluation
A Story Plan Evaluation provides an assessment of the pre-writing plan including character development worksheets, story outlines, and world building notes.


What will the author receive? 

The author will receive a Story Plan Report detailing strengths and areas to consider for improvement.  A Story Plan Evaluation is a great way to identify challenges with the plot, character arcs, and genre conventions before the real work of writing begins.  Two hours of follow-up (via email, phone, or video call) are also included.



What is not included?

A Story Plan Evaluation focuses on the writing plan, not an already written manuscript.  Portions of the manuscript that have already been written will not be reviewed.



What should the author do before requesting a Story Plan Evaluation? 

The author should have completed an outline of the story before a Story Plan Evaluation is requested.  Any other planning material completed prior to Evaluation is welcome.  A one-hour call prior to beginning the evaluation is required to ensure the editor fully understands the author’s vision.



Will the editor be brutally honest? 

Yes and no.  The editor will be honest but constructive.  There’s nothing brutal about it!  Every story has its strengths and weaknesses.  Feedback will be given on both in a kind, positive manner.



How long does a Story Plan Evaluation take? 

It depends on the amount of material provided.  A typical turnaround time is approximately two weeks.  A quick turnaround can be requested for an additional cost.



How much will this cost?

Keeping costs affordable is critical to independent authors.  Story Plan Evaluation rates are balanced to meet the needs of the author and the business needs of Cumberland Edits.  Cost will be determined based on the estimated time needed to complete the evaluation.  (A typical project averages five hours.)

$40 per hour



How do I get started? 

It’s easy!  Fill out the contact form and the editor will contact you to get started.


Angela provided constructive, in-depth, and incredibly helpful feedback on my manuscript. I really appreciate the time and attention to detail that went into her comments, and it’s clear that she has a great eye for what makes a story work. I know that her beta read will help make this manuscript the best it can be!


Stella L.

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