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Coaching provides tailored guidance throughout the writing and revision process.


What will the author receive? 

The author will receive one-on-one guidance from the editor.  A coaching plan will be developed based on the needs of the author.  This plan could include weekly meetings or ad hoc meetings as needed.



What is not included?

Coaching is not intended to take the place of a traditional edit.  While topics addressed in a typical edit (for example: grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure) may be discussed, a formal edit will not be completed as a part of this service.



Will the editor be brutally honest? 

Yes and no.  The editor will be honest but constructive.  There’s nothing brutal about it!  Every story has its strengths and weaknesses.  Feedback will be given on both in a kind, positive manner.



What is a typical coaching session like?

Coaching can vary from author to author.  The author and editor may discuss a range of topics based on the challenges the author is facing.  An author may want to review a recently written scene.  Or they may want to discuss the plot for the scene they plan to write.  Sometimes the author doesn’t have a specific writing topic to discuss but needs help with motivation.  Regardless of the specific topic, a typical coaching session is conversational and should help to inspire the author to move forward with their writing process.



How much will this cost?

Keeping costs affordable is critical to independent authors.  Coaching rates are balanced to meet the needs of the author and the business needs of Cumberland Edits.

$40 per hour



How do I get started? 

It’s easy!  Fill out the contact form and the editor will contact you to get started.


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